Your Journey to Fresh Lamb Meat Farm

1. Choose Your Animal
We want to make the process easy and enjoyable. Initial step is selecting your whole live sheep. This can be done in person here at our farm. To make it more convenient for you, we can help you handpick the sheep over Facetime or WhatsApp video chat.

2. Choose Your Preparation Method
Once you’re satisfied with your choice of sheep, our in-house butcher will being the process of Halal butchering. Definitely Read more about the FREE custom butchering we offer to our dear customers.

3. Pick Up Your Order
Come and pick your halal meat order in-person. We suggest you bring a large ice chest with ice, in order to keep the meat nice and cool. To accommodate your needs we are open Monday-Saturday from 8 am – 4 pm. If you need to set up special arrangements for your pick up, give us a call.